Nelson Scott Chunky Tuna Supporting Dir.
Stephen Miller Ali: An American Hero Supporting Dir.
But directors Edmonds and Jake Doull work wonders with all of the performers, particularly with Charlotte Evelyn Williams, who shines with vibrant defiance as the rejected Sasha, making the first episode a true pleasure to view.
Arturo Zuniga Claudette Supporting Dir.
John Pwers Angelica's Music Video Supporting Dir.
Edmonds and Etzel provide nice layers to their characterizations, aligning themselves, sympathetically, with the audience.
Nicely, queer fans are sure to thrill to the complicated romance of Max Terrence Edmonds , an out and proud cinematic genius in the making, and Austin Andrew Etzel , a well known yet extremely closeted actor.
Ren Bell To The New Girl Lead Prod.
Description: A Acting California State University Fullerton Intro Improv Workshop A The Groundlings School Guy Stevenson Acting Pros Master Audition Class Ongoing Wendy Davis Tess Kirsch School Acting for Camera Tess Kirsch Pretty Funny Women Stand Up Comedy Lisa Sundstedt Passion Purpose and Possibility Acting for Stage Wren Brown Margie Haber Studio Haber Fundamental Intensive Margie Haber Commercial Foundation Class Commercial Technique Killian McHugh Holly Powell Studio Audition Techniques for Camera Holly Powell.