I just remember being gobsmacked.
What happens when one falls? Does your friend sleep with different guys often with seemingly no emotional attachment? We would never want to give him any sort of ammunition to use in court or custody or anything like that.
As far as sleeping arrangements, we have two separate bedrooms; her girlfriend has her own bedroom and then my wife and I kind of have ours as well and then my wife alternates where she sleeps.
For tips on how to turn your girlfriend on physically, read on! If you're on the same page, go for it.
Because this will make your girlfriend feel like you like her, but that you're in control of your desires and aren't desperate to get your hands all over her -- even if you are.
If your girlfriend says she's not ready to have sex with you, then you shouldn't pressure her.
Show an interest in all of her; not just her body.
Description: Depending on her feelings, the new friend might be extremely heartened to be included.