Doch nur fünf Monate nach der Scheidung von Stefanie Hertel gaben sich Stefan Mross und Susanne heimlich das Ja-Wort in seiner Heimat Chiemgau.
Why is naturalness so important to you? Stefan Mross: Paula, Johanna und Valentin Zwei wundervolle Töchter hat Stefan Mross.
During this time I have developed as a singer and as a person in a short time, because you can sing live on a big stage in front of an audience of millions.
The music video with the song's audio track will automatically start at the bottom right.
In the past two years you have mainly been traveling as a duo with your husband.
Florian and Stefan have known each other for over 30 years — he is a very special colleague and friend for us.
Description: Die Trennung nach 18 Jahren Beziehung tat also beiden sehr gut und so sind sie heute noch super befreundet und verstehen sich besser denn je.