This technique originates from psychotherapy.
Changes in brain waves cause changes in brain chemistry; which then cause changes in brain outputs in the form of thoughts, emotions or physical condition.
How does an individual come to view personal sovereignty as a detriment to themselves and to society, especially when that society is so obviously sick and dysfunctional? Programming Through Mass Media Mass media are media forms designed to reach the largest audience possible.
Most of that information is written or produced by other people and organizations, which means it does not represent our views or opinions as managing staff of Stillness in the Storm.
The products offered or linked to on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Many of you have witnessed what hypnotists call an instant or shock induction.
Description: Firstly, you must hold the belief that hypnosis is real and that it will work, then you must build a rapport with the subject, have them place their full attention on you, completely focusing at all levels on one thing.