The fight escalated when Nicole Ramos stepped in the defense of the Nakagawa sisters, and Nany González came in the defense of her bloodline Nicole.
Everything they do has to be done together, out loud, in their heads.
Kiki was hoooooked on Devin from the get-go, and Devin was hooked on telling the beach hut diary how much he was taking her for a ride literally.
The behind-the-scenes drama, feelings of betrayal and blatant call-outs were in no shortage when the reunion aired in 2019.
The first team to transfer all of their barrels to the racks wins.
To start, each team sit in the tub for one minute, then try to stack their puzzle pieces until it reaches the height at their designated station.
Description: Nevertheless, they've been facing their fair share of obstacles in the new series, and fans are wondering if after Ex on the Beach.