The sexy cosplayer girls are the real Cosplay Deviants who always want to show their really naughty and horny dark side as they get completely naked while playing the role of their loved characters.
She's been consistently viewed as a strong female role model as well as one of the sexiest girls in gaming history, which is a tough tightrope to walk - something that Sayla encapsulates herself perfectly.
Are there any other cosplayers that belong on here? The jacket also bore the Hammerhead and Full-Service station logo on the back.
Or maybe she's playing off the notion that hot girls on hot bikes are pretty hot.
Each scene has a message board, so you can learn more or even complain.
She isn't necessarily a perfectionist, but she does take painstaking detail into account when she designs all of her costumes.
Description: You could also et the black goggles and a red cap that has yellow outlines and the Hammerhead and Full-Service logo from the cosplay list.