Centered on six Chicago friends in their late twenties, the show began at the ill-fated wedding of two of those characters: food truck operator Dave Zachary Knighton and boutique owner Alex Cuthbert.
As a result, Cuthbert's character endured some patently ridiculous storylines, including an infamous — and some fans may have rooted for the cougar.
Well, I guess we now know how it gets and keeps its viewers, eh? Unfortunately for everyone involved, neither of those things happened.
Does elisha cuthbert have tattoos? It's a show about a nontraditional family, and Cuthbert plays Lizzy, a gay woman who gets pregnant by her male best friend Nick Zano right around the time he meets and falls in love with a British woman Kelly Brook.
Description: Cuthbert co-stars as Abby, Colt's fiancée.