Production was shut down for a month — with Barbara on full wages — while a military hospital stitched her up and she regained the ability to walk.
Her poor health made contemplative prayer more difficult so she wrote copiously as part of her religious practice.
Breathtakingly surreal, hyper-sleazy and violent in equal doses, and crammed with one over-the-top action setpiece after another, the film is about as loopy as Asian exploitation gets.
Then another man is brought in, but this time it goes differently.
They rushed me to a military hospital where my leg was sewn up.
Would it rekindle an interest in appearing in new movies? Breathtakingly surreal, hyper-sleazy and violent in equal doses, and crammed with one over-the-top action setpiece after another, the film is about as loopy as Asian exploitation gets.
Description: I stayed in Shanghai in a hotel for the time I was there, which I recall was for about a week.